The O´Reillys & The Paddyhats

THE O’REILLYS AND THE PADDYHATS are a unique young formation who gave the Irish
Folk Punk a completely new face over the last years. Whenever they set a step on stage it
feels like a party with your best friends. Fast folk sound, heavy guitars but also soft violins
and above all the passion for handmade music are the trademarks and the winning
formula of the German Irishmen (and women ;) ) from „Little Dublin“.
“In Strange Waters” is how the Paddyhats have quite rightfully called their 10 year
anniversary album. They transferred their most successful songs which have been viewed
over 70 million times on YouTube into very unusual genres. They steered their ship far
away from their well known Irish Folk Punk into the oceans of pop, metal, ska and even
barbershop music. But still you can hear their identity in every single note of this special
album. The waters may be different but the ship is still the same. As they have shown on
their cover “The O’Reillys and the Paddyhats” are seeing their music with different eyes
and went beyond Irish Folk Punk. At least with every song but a new one that was not
even planned to be on this record.
STAGE & TIME of performance
FRI, 12.08.2022 - 22:00 - 24:00
Stage 2 (Neuer Platz)